Japanese Terminology
Age Rising
Agura Informal sitting with legs crossed
Arigatoo Thank you
Ashi Foot, leg
Ashikubi Ankle
Atama Head
Ate Smash
Barai Sweep, block, parry
Bo Wooden staff
Bu Military, martial
Budo Military arts, military way
Bunkai Interpretation of kata techniques
Choku Straight
Chudan Mid-level (abdomen)
Chude Inside to outside
Chusoku Ball of the foot
Dachi Stance
Dan Black belt grade
Do The Way
Dojo Training hall
Doomo arigatoo Thank you very much (present)
Doomo arigatoo gozaimasu Thank you very much (present)
Doomo arigatoo gozaimashita Thank you very much (past)
Empi Elbow
Fumikomi Stomp
Gedan Low-level (groin, legs)
Geiko Practice
Geri Kick
Gi Uniform
Gyaku Reverse
Hai Yes
Haishu Back hand
Haisoku Instep of the foot
Haito Ridge hand
Hajime Begin
Hangetsu Half-moon
Hara Belly (spiritual center)
Hata Flag
Heiwan Forearm
Hidari Left
Hiji Elbow
Hittsui Knee
Hiza Knee
Ippon One point
Isshin One heart
Jodan Upper-level (head)
Juji Cross
Kaette Change direction, pivot
Kage Hook
Kagi Hook
Kaishu Open hand
Kakato Heel of the foot
Kaki Hook
Kama Sickles
Kamae On-guard sparring position
Karate Empty hand (combat)
Karate-do The Way of Karate
Karateka Karate student
Kata Formal set of movements
Keage Snap
Keiko Practice
Kekomi Thrust
Ken Fist
Kentsui Hammer fist
Ki Internal energy
Kiai Spirit focusing yell
Kiba Horse
Kihon Basics, fundamentals
Kime Focus
Kin Groin
Kiotsuke Attention
Kobudo Art of weapons
Kohai Student
Koken Wrist
Kosa Switch feet
Koshi Ball of the foot
Kumite Practice fighting
Kyu Rank below black belt
Matte Wait
Mae Front
Makiwara Punching board
Maware Turn around
Mawashi Round
Mawatte Turn around
Me Eye
Migi Right
Mikazuki Crescent
Mizu Gami Water Goddess
Mokuso Meditation
Morote Double
Mushin Unconscious action/reaction
Musubi Open
Nage Throw
Naiwan Back of arm
Narande Line up
Neko Cat
Nodo Throat
Nukite Spear HAND
Obi Belt
Oi Lunge
Okare Class dismissed
Onegai shimasu Please (teach me)
Otagai Training partner
Otagai ni Face towards training partner
Otoshi Downwards
Rei Formal bow
Riken Back fist
Ritsurei Standing bow
Ryu Way, method
Sai Three pronged weapon
Seiken Fore fist
Seiretsu Line up by rank
Seito Student
Seiza Sitting position
Sempai Mentor, sponsor (relationship)
Sensei Teacher
Sensei ni Face towards the teacher
Shiai Contest
Shihan Master (4th Dan and above)
Shika Horse
Shime Choke
Shinbon Referee
Shodan First grade black-belt
Shomen Front or founder
Shomen ni Face towards the front
Shotei Palm heel
Shuto Knife hand
Soke First master
Sokuto Knife foot
Soto Outside (outside to inside)
Tate Vertical
Te Hand
Tegata Open hand
Teisho Palm heel
Teisoku Arch of the foot
Tekubi Wrist
Tettsui Hammer fist
Tobi Jumping, flying
Tonfa Batons
Tori Attacker
Tsuki Punch
Tsumasaki Toe tips
Uchi Strike
Uchi Inside (inside to outside)
Ude Forearm
Uke Block
Uki Defender
Ura Backwards
Uraken Back fist
Ushiro Back, rear
Wan Arm
Waza Technique
Wazari Half point
Woshi Continue
Yame Stop
Yoi Ready
Yoko Side
Yasume Rest, at ease
Zarei Sitting bow
Zazen Meditation
Zenkutsu Front